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간 청소(환으로 만듬)
간은 우리몸의 화학분해공장이다
약 300여가지 일을 한다 ,간은 침묵의 장기이다
60%이상 문제가 생겨야 알수있다
우리는 항상 간의 고마움을 알고 관리 해야한다
구체적으로 간이하는 역활5가지를 알고자한다
1.간은 에너지를 관리한다
장에서 흡수한 영양소를 저장하거나 다른물질로 재 가공해서 각각필요한곳에 양양분을 공급한다
간은 필요한 물질을 합성한다...알부민,혈액응고
2. 간은 우리몸에서 해독작용을한다
각종약물,술,독성물질을 분해해서 소변이나 담즙을 통해서 배출한다
간경변환자는 해독능력이 떨어지니까  피부의이상,황달,복수....여러가지 증상이 나타난다
3.담즙을 만들어서 지방의 소화를 돕는다
4.간은 각종 호르몬을 분해하고 체내대사에 관여한다
인슐린을 분해하고,글리코겐 저장,성호르몬에도 관여한다
간이약한분들은 인슐린분해가 잘 되지 않고 글리코겐 저장량도 부족해져서 공복으로 인한 저혈당이 자주 온다
성호르몬의 이상으로 여성에게는 생리이상
남성에게는 고환위축,고환통,여성같이 유방이 나오고 음부,겨드랑이털이 많이 빠지기도한다.
5.간은 중요한 면역기관이며 동시에 살균작용을 하는 기관이다
혈액을 통해서 몸으로 들어온균들은 간의있는 쿠퍼세포의 대식작용을 통해서 대부분 제거된다
간기능이 떨어진 분들은 세균감염이 쉬워진다.
만성 알콜중독자
만성 바이러스 감염자  C형B형...

간을 건강하게 지키기위한  생활수칙
1.불필요한  양약,한약,건강보조식품 자제
2.지나친 음주,흡연
3.균형잡힌 영양섭취 중요
4.폭식,과식 주의
5.절제된 식사 중요 (시간,음식량)
6.지나치거나,급격한 다이어트 금지


Liver cleaning (made into pills)
The liver is our body's chemical breakdown plant.
It does about 300 things, the liver is a silent organ
More than 60% of problems can be known
We should always know and manage the gratitude of the liver
Specifically, we want to know 5 simple roles
1. The liver manages energy
Storing nutrients absorbed in the intestines or reprocessing them into other substances to supply nutrients to where they are needed
The liver synthesizes the necessary substances...albumin, blood clotting
2. The liver detoxifies our body
Breaks down various drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances and excretes them through urine or bile
Since liver cirrhosis converts have poor detoxification ability, skin abnormalities, jaundice, ascites...
3. Helps digest fat by making bile
4. The liver breaks down various hormones and is involved in body metabolism
Breaks down insulin, stores glycogen, and is involved in sex hormones
People with weak liver often suffer from low blood sugar due to fasting because insulin does not break down well and glycogen storage is insufficient.
Menstrual abnormalities in women due to abnormalities in sex hormones
In men, testicular atrophy, testicular pain, breasts like women, pubic hair, and armpit hair may fall out a lot.
5. The liver is an important immune organ and an organ that sterilizes at the same time.
Most of the bacteria that enter the body through the blood are eliminated through the phagocytosis of Kupffer cells in the liver.
People with impaired liver function are more prone to bacterial infection.
chronic alcoholic
Chronic viral infection type C and B...
fatty liver
cirrhosis of the liver

Lifestyle tips to keep the liver healthy
1. Refrain from unnecessary Western medicines, herbal medicines, and health supplements
2. Excessive drinking and smoking
3. Balanced nutrition is important
4. Beware of binge eating and overeating
5. Moderate diet is important (time, amount of food)
6. Excessive or abrupt dieting is prohibited.



Precautions before use
1. Irregular constitution.... People with allergies, rashes, and itching
2. Pregnant women, those who are suspected of being pregnant
3. A person whose heart is pounding badly

Storage Precautions
1. No sunlight
2. Store in a cool place without moisture.
3. Do not take products that have expired


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Liver Cleanser

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