약한체력,약한위장,현기증이 심한분에게 좋습니다
갱년기에는 갱년기에 따른 신체의 변화로 인해 다양한 증상이 나타납니다. 폐경이란 월경이 완전히 끝난 상태로 주기적으로 계속되는 것으로 특별한 원인 없이 1년 동안 월경이 없는 상태를 말합니다. 폐경 전환은 보통 47세 전후에 시작되며 폐경은 51세 전후에 발생합니다. 조기 폐경은 40세 이전의 성호르몬 부족으로 인해 월경이 감소하는 것입니다.
1.약한 체력, 약한 위장
2.차가운 몸 여자
3.중증 빈혈 및 전신 권태감이 있는 여성
4. 갱년기 장애(여성)
5불안, 짜증, 현기증
6. 어깨 결림, 다리 통증, 하복부 통증
7. 근육통, 관절통
8. 심계항진
9. 질 건조증
1일 2~~3회 식후 1수저씩 복용하세요
커피,카페인음료 금지
Good for people with weak physical strength, weak stomach, and severe dizziness
During menopause, various symptoms appear due to changes in the body according to menopause. Menopause is a period of cessation of menstruation without menstruation for one year without any specific cause. The menopause transition usually begins around the age of 47, and menopause occurs around the age of 51. Early menopause is a decrease in menstruation due to a lack of sex hormones before the age of 40.
1. Weak stamina, weak stomach
2. cold body woman
3. Women with severe anemia and general malaise
4. Menopause Disorder (Women)
5 Anxiety, irritability, dizziness
6. Stiff shoulder, leg pain, lower abdominal pain
7. Muscle pain, joint pain
8. Heart palpitations
9. Vaginal dryness
Precautions before use
1. Irregular constitution.... People with allergies, rashes, and itching
2. Pregnant women, those who are suspected of being pregnant
3. A person whose heart is pounding badly
Storage Precautions
1. No sunlight
2. Store in a cool place without moisture.
3. Do not take products that have expired
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
미인정 2
- 모든 상품은 결제 후 환불, 교환, 취소 되지 않습니다.
북미지역에 한해 무료배송입니다.
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* 배송 기간은 평균 2~4일 소요되며, 주소지에 따라 배송 기간이 달라질 수 있습니다.
* 배송은 USPS First Class로 나가게 되며, 모든 고객에게 tracking number가 제공됩니다.
Free shipping only in North America.
* This product is sold on a first-come, first-served basis and may close early even if the sale period remains.
* Products whose quantity is '0' by clicking the Buy button are sold out products.
* Please enter the Shipping Address correctly for delivery.
* We are not responsible for shipping accidents caused by address errors.
* Delivery takes 2-4 days on average, and delivery time may vary depending on the address.
* Shipping will be USPS First Class and all customers will be provided with a tracking number.