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강세단 (Body Detox & Prostate Gland)
이런분에게 좋아요
변비가 아주 심한 사람
전립선 비대가 있는 사람
여드름이 심한 사람

변비가 있는 사람
저녁식사후에 1스굽 (30~40알 )
그래도 변비가 풀리지 않으면 아침에 1번 더 복용하세요
변비가 풀리면 복용량을 조정하세요

전립선 비대가 있는 사람은 1일 2회 식후 10~15알 복용

여드름이 심한 사람은 1일 3회 식후 15~20알 복용

야체를 많이 드세요
물을 많이 드세요
많이 걸으세요

커피,카페인음료 금지


Body Detox & Prostate Gland
good for this
very constipated person
people with an enlarged prostate
person with severe acne

How to take
person with constipation
1 scoop after dinner (30-40 tablets)
If the constipation still does not go away, take 1 more in the morning.
Adjust the dosage when constipation is relieved

People with enlarged prostate should take 10-15 tablets twice a day after meals.

For people with severe acne, take 15-20 tablets 3 times a day after meals

eat lots of vegetables
drink lots of water
walk a lot


Precautions before use
1. Irregular constitution.... People with allergies, rashes, and itching
2. Pregnant women, those who are suspected of being pregnant
3. A person whose heart is pounding badly

Storage Precautions
1. No sunlight
2. Store in a cool place without moisture.
3. Do not take products that have expired


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

명품 강세단

$210.00 Regular Price
$160.00Sale Price

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